Source sdk failed to load default scheme
Source sdk failed to load default scheme

Reserved Size Is Not Enough to Contain the Signature Since we’re using a toggle button to switch between the fit-to-page and fit-to-width zoom modes, we need to use some CSS to overwrite the styles and define a different icon for each zoom mode: Customizing the Fit-to-Page and Fit-to-Width Toggle Button You’ll also get an error in the server log, where you can see if the token has expired or if the user has no access for the given document. When receiving the “Invalid Token” error, you can debug and verify your token on Otherwise, the height of your container will be resolved to 0px and you’ll get an error: “The mounting container has no height.” To fix this issue without changing the parent height, use 100vh, which represents 100 percent of the full viewport height. However, the height can be set to 100% only if the parent element has a height that isn’t set to auto. To work with your responsive designs, the width or height can be set to 100 percent. PSPDFKit for Web requires an explicit width and height for the used container. The Mounting Container Has No Width/Height Please take a look at this Stack Overflow post for possible solutions.

source sdk failed to load default scheme source sdk failed to load default scheme

the path to the stylesheet is wrong and the server is returning a fallback 404 HTML page instead).

source sdk failed to load default scheme

This error occurs when - while fetching custom stylesheets - the assets server responds without the proper MIME header set, or if instead of responding with the CSS content, it responds with an HTML page (e.g. “Refused to Apply Style from CSS File Because Its MIME Type Is Not a Supported Stylesheet MIME Type” Error If you want to override certain styles in PSPDFKit for Web, please use our public CSS classes. Toggle off stylings that get added by your CSS file - by eliminating each CSS attribute, you’ll find out what causes the problem. If the issues are gone after removing your CSS, add your CSS file again and open the developer tools of your browser to inspect elements that have issues.

source sdk failed to load default scheme

The easiest way to debug styling issues is to remove your own CSS from the site and see if the styling issue in PSPDFKit for Web remains. When you override styling with general selectors (like svg, img, and div), especially in combination with !important, please be aware this could cause errors in PSPDFKit for Web, and we can’t guarantee correct rendering. This article lists some of the most common issues you might encounter while integrating PSPDFKit for Web.

Source sdk failed to load default scheme